Amiga Format CD 41
Amiga Format CD41 (1999-06)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-07].iso
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801 lines
AMIS Include for Viewers. (V1.04)
In this file you almost everything you need to create you own viewer.
This file is still under development, see later versions for a more
complete documentation.
struct LineInfo
short li_length; /* Don't change this !! */
short li_height; /* For more information see the Viewer
structure. */
long li_viewerdata; /* This is for you... */
long li_viewerdata2; /* and so is this... */
struct EditWin
long wn_next;
long wn_prev;
char wn_type;
char wn_pri;
long wn_name;
struct Window *wn_base;
struct RastPort *wn_rast;
long wn_gadget;
short wn_innerwidth;
short wn_innerheight;
short wn_left;
short wn_top;
long *ed_memlist;
long *ed_project;
struct Font *ed_font;
struct Viewer *ed_display;
long ed_bookmarks[10];
long ed_viewerdata; /* This is for you */
long ed_moreviewerdata[16]; /* and so is this */
long ed_viewervar[10]; /* and some more */
long ed_viewerobj; /* and this one too */
char ed_flags;
char ed_flags2;
char ed_flags3;
char ed_flags4;
char ed_flags5;
char ed_flags6;
char ed_protectflags;
char ed_moreflags;
long ed_clip;
short ed_tabsize;
long ed_winchars;
long ed_winlines;
short ed_top_offset;
short ed_pl_y_offset;
short ed_pl_own_height;
long ed_pl_total_y;
short ed_topborder;
short ed_leftborder;
short ed_first_y;
short ed_last_y;
long ed_visible_y;
long ed_topline;
long ed_topline_tick;
long ed_leftchar;
long ed_lines;
long ed_chars;
long ed_line;
long ed_oldtopline;
long ed_oldtoppos;
struct LineInfo *ed_linesinfo;
char *ed_buffer; /* the text of this file */
long ed_bufsize;
long ed_bufpos;
char *ed_linebuf; /* this lines text */
char *ed_linebuf_backup;
long ed_linebuflast;
long ed_oldlinelength;
long ed_char;
long ed_winpos;
long ed_cursoffset;
short ed_curs_px1;
short ed_curs_py1;
short ed_curs_px2;
short ed_curs_py2;
short ed_buttonwidth;
void *ed_buttonlist;
long ed_slidertopline;
long ed_sliderlines;
short ed_slidersize;
long ed_startpos;
long ed_endpos;
long ed_last_startpos;
long ed_last_endpos;
long ed_oldline;
long ed_oldchar;
long ed_mouseline;
long ed_mousechar;
long ed_mousepos;
long ed_blocktemp1;
long ed_blocktemp2;
long ed_blocktemp3;
long ed_blocktemp4;
long ed_subpos;
short ed_viewerbar_y;
long ed_removefunc;
short ed_statusbar_y;
short ed_codebar_y;
short ed_freebar;
long ed_title_msg;
short ed_tm_time;
long ed_timerioreq;
short ed_lineheight;
char ed_path[144];
char ed_filename[144];
char ed_name[144];
char ed_screenname[100];
char ed_comment[80];
/* PRIVATE !! */
long ed_tmprastport;
long ed_tmplayer;
long ed_tmpbitmap;
long ed_layerinfo;
struct List ed_linelist;
struct Viewer
struct Node vw_node; /* Fill in the name and set ln_type to
the version of AMIS this viewer was
made for. (See Versions below). */
long vw_loadseg; /* Set to zero! */
With the next three options you can tell AMIS for which files this viewer
should be used. Note that the file must have all three before it will be
recognized. You can set starttext and typicaltext to zero if neccessery.
char *vw_filepattern; /* filepattern, e.g. "#?" */
char *vw_starttext; /* first text in file, e.g. "@database"*/
char *vw_typicaltext; /* some text somewhere in every file of
your type, e.g. "@node" */
void (*vw_switchfunction)(); /* function to be called after every
switch to this viewer */
char vw_flags1; /* flags for you, see below */
char vw_flags2; /* AMIS private flags ! */
long (*vw_display)(); /* the display function it self */
void (*vw_newpos)(); /* function to be called every time the
cursor is moved */
void (*vw_getwinpos)(); /* set ed_winpos with ed_char given */
void (*vw_getchar)(); /* set ed_char with ed_winpos given */
void (*vw_codebar)(); /* return text to be displayed in
codebar */
With the following three options you can change the height of the text
lines. First textheights is multiplied by the height of the selected font
and then topspacing and bottomspacing are added. The result is the height
of a line on the screen (in pixels).
If you wish to give different lines different heights you can add an
offset in the second word of the linesinfo structure of every line. In
must cases you will then set the following three options to zero and set
the whole line height in the linesinfo structure.
short vw_textheights;
short vw_topspacing;
short vw_bottomspacing;
char vw_bg_color; /* color to use for unused window
space */
char vw_planes; /* number of bitplanes to be
cleared/scrolled */
The next variable is used to reserve some space in the window for the
viewerbar. The two functions behind it are called every time the
viewerbar should be drawn and removed (free memory etc., you don't have
to remove the actual graphics).
short vw_barheight;
void (*vw_viewerbar)();
void (*vw_remove_vb)();
The next two functions can be used to replace the normal cursright and
cursleft functions. You can use this the jump the cursor over text
commands or other places the cursor shouldn't be. Beware that when the
cursor is in the codebar the normal functions will always be used!
void (*vw_cursright)();
void (*vw_cursleft)();
In vw_font you MUST pass an opened font you wish to you use for
displaying your text. If you wish to use the default font simply copy the
font passed to you in the AMIS structure.
struct Font *vw_font;
The next function is used for breaking lines. When this function is
called you should return the VISIBLE part of the line that is passed to
you. This means you should filter out everything that will not appear on
the screen. AMIS will check this line for spaces to break a line. If
there are spaces on the screen where the line should be broken you sould
set an '_' in the line you give back instead of a ' '. This way you have
complete control over where lines may and may not be broken.
void (*vw_plaintext)();
The next option will be used to make it possible to define different
functions for keys in different viewers. This isn't completely working
yet and for now it is best to point to an empty list (you may also pass a
zero if you wish).
struct List *vw_keyslist;
The next two functions are called every time a file is loaded / saved or
the user switches to this viewer or an other viewer. You may use these
functions to filter out text that should not be displayed or something
like that. Please not that the savefilter should set back all this
information, otherwise some text might 'get lost' without the user
knowing about it (not very user friendly, don't you think ?).
int (*vw_loadfilter)();
int (*vw_savefilter)();
The next function is the unload function wish will be called when AMIS is
quiting. This function allows you to free recources, close fonts, free
images, etc.
void (*vw_unload)();
The next option is a pointer to the text you want to be displayed in the
viewer info requester. Lines can be seperated with a '|' sign.
char *vw_infotext;
The next function should set all your variables to there initial state.
(As if a new window was opened without any text in it.)
void (*vw_clear)();
The next function will be called after the AMIS screen is opened (bootup
and UnIconify).
void (*vw_openscreen)();
The next function will be called when the AMIS screen is close (quiting
and Iconify).
void (*vw_closescreen)();
The next function is called every time the cursor is drawn, return 1 if
you rendered the cursor yourself, 0 otherwise.
long (*vw_drawcurs)();
The next function called when the user tries to insert a character on a
writeprotected line. Return 1 if it may be inserted, 0 otherwise.
int (*vw_checkprotection)();
The next function is called when the user gives a Fold command.
If you want to support folding you should set your fold function here.
void (*vw_fold)();
The next function is called when the user gives a UnFold command.
If you want to support folding you should set your unfold function here.
void (*vw_unfold)();
The next function is called when the user gives a Fold TOGGLE command.
If you want to support folding you should set your fold toggle function
void (*vw_togglefold)();
The next function is called when the user asks for the viewer
void (*vw_preferences)();
The next function is called instead of the display function when
long (*vw_init)();
The next option is the same as the vw_keyslist field, only this one is
used for smart-indent defenitions.
struct List *vw_indslist;
Versions of AMIS that can be given in the ln_type field of the viewer
#define AMIS_0_97 0
#define AMIS_0_98 1 /* also has a vw_clear field. */
#define AMIS_0_99 2 /* also has vw_openscreen and vw_closescreen
fields. */
#define AMIS_1_00 3 /* also has vw_drawcurs, vw_checkprotection,
vw_fold, vw_unfold and vw_togglefold fields.
#define AMIS_1_01 4
#define AMIS_1_02 5 /* also has a vw_init field */
#define AMIS_1_03 6 /* also has a vw_indslist fields */
struct AMIS
struct IntuitionBase *AMIS_IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase *AMIS_GfxBase;
struct Library *AMIS_GadToolsBase;
struct Library *AMIS_DatatypesBase;
struct Library *AMIS_DiskfontBase;
struct Screen *AMIS_ScreenBase;
long *AMIS_VisualInfo;
struct DisplayInfo *AMIS_DisplayInfo;
struct ColorMap *AMIS_ColorMap;
char *AMIS_Flags;
struct Font *AMIS_Normal_Font; /* the default text font */
char *AMIS_PrintBuf;
struct Catalog *AMIS_Catalog;
struct MsgPort *AMIS_MsgPort;
struct Library *AMIS_AMISLibBase;
struct DosLibrary *AMIS_DOSBase;
char *AMIS_RunTimeFlags;
struct IClass *AMIS_PaletteClass;
#define EFLG_CHANGED 0
#define EFLG_CURS 2
#define EFLG_HIDE 5
#define EFLG2_MOUSE 0
#define EFLG2_UP 1
#define EFLG2_DOWN 2
#define EFLG2_SELECTED 3
#define EFLG2_SELSTART 4
#define EFLG2_SELEND 5
#define EFLG2_MOUSESEL 6
#define EFLG3_MOUSEUP 0
#define EFLG3_PROTECT 2
#define EFLG3_MODECHNG 3
#define EFLG3_CODECURS 5
#define EFLG3_NOUPDATE 6
#define EFLG3_REVERT 7
#define EFLG4_RESIZED 0
#define EFLG4_TOOLBAR 1
#define EFLG4_CODEBAR 4
#define EFLG4_LOCKED 6
#define EFLG5_WORDWRAP 0
#define EFLG5_ANSIBOLD 1
#define EFLG5_NEWFONT 2
#define EFLG5_FASTMODE 5
#define EFLG5_AUTOLINE 6
#define EFLG5_VERTICAL 7
#define EFLG6_LINEPROT 1
/* Some settings flags */
#define BACKUP_FLAG1 0
#define ICONS_FLAG1 1
#define FLASH_FLAG1 2
#define AUTOIND_FLAG1 3
#define TOOLBAR_FLAG1 4
#define CODEBAR_FLAG1 7
#define CURSWRAP_FLAG2 0
#define FASTMODE_FLAG2 1
#define AUTOLINE_FLAG2 2
#define NUMERIC_FLAG2 5
/*global flags for all files */
#define QUIT_FLAG3 0
#define VISIT_FLAG3 1
#define REDO_FLAG3 3
#define JOINUNDO_FLAG3 4
#define CUTBLOCK_FLAG3 5
#define ENDICON_FLAG3 6
#define REDRAW_FLAG3 7
#define CURSLINE_FLAG4 0
#define CURSDONE_FLAG4 1
#define PRIVATE_FLAG4 3
#define ASKPRJ_FLAG4 4
#define MACRO_FLAG4 5
#define MACRO2_FLAG4 6
#define DEFAULT_FLAG4 7
#define MACROKEY_FLAG5 0
#define NOPRINT_FLAG5 1
#define SETTINGS_FLAG5 2
#define SETLBUF_FLAG5 3
#define CANCEL_FLAG5 5
#define NO_ANSWER_FLAG5 6
#define INIT_FLAG5 7
#define BARLABEL_FLAG6 0
#define SUBITEMS_FLAG6 1
#define INIT_CHNG_FLAG6 2
#define COLORS_FLAG6 3
#define NEWPREFS_FLAG6 4
#define MENU_CHNG_FLAG6 5
#define ANSI_UPD_FLAG6 6
#define DRAWDONE_FLAG6 7
#define NOSLIDER_FLAG7 0
#define BOOTUP_FLAG7 1
#define SRCPASTE_FLAG7 2
#define VFLG1_TOTAL_Y 0
#define VFLG1_TEMP 1 /* Use a temporary rastport (this prevent
blinking graphics, it works the same as a
double buffered screen). */
#define VFLG1_INIT 2 /* Use initializing routine for this viewer */
#define VFLG1_CHAR_STAT 3 /* Use ed_char instead of ed_winpos in
statusbar */
#define VFLG1_PROP 4 /* No fixed with font. */
#define VFLG1_PRINTINIT 5 /* use the display function for initializing.
(or vw_init if available) */
#define VFLG2_ST_CASE 0
#define VFLG2_PRIVATE2 6
#define VFLG2_PRIVATE 7
#define LINEDATA 12
#pragma libcall ViewerLib InternalCommand 6 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib InternalCommand__FPc 6 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CursLeft c 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CursRight 12 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib GetWinPos 18 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib GetImage 1e 901
#pragma libcall ViewerLib LoadImage 24 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib SetViewervar 2a 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib SetViewervar2 30 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib WordWrapSaveFilter 36 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CursUp 3c 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CursDown 42 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CursSOL 48 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib DoReturn 4e 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib NewViewerbar 54 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib BuiltRequester 5a 9802
#pragma libcall ViewerLib BuiltRequester__FP11AMIS_ReqDefP7TagItem 5a 9802
#pragma libcall ViewerLib ShowRequester 60 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib ShowRequester__FP14AMIS_Requester 60 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CloseRequester 66 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib CloseRequester__FP14AMIS_Requester 66 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib FreeRequester 6c 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib FreeRequester__FP14AMIS_Requester 6c 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib FileRequester 72 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib GetYPos 78 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib AddLineNode 7e 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib GetLineNode 84 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib ClearList 8a 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib GetChar 90 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib ImageSize 96 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib ImageBitMap 9c 001
#pragma libcall ViewerLib StoreCursorPosition a2 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib RecallCursorPosition a8 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib SetLineBuf ae 0
#pragma libcall ViewerLib RedrawViewerWindows b4 801
#pragma libcall ViewerLib RedrawViewerWindows__FP6Viewer b4 801
ULONG GetListview(struct Gadget *listview,struct Window *window);
char *InternalCommand(char *command);
ULONG CursLeft(void);
ULONG CursRight(void);
ULONG CursUp(void);
ULONG CursDown(void);
ULONG CursSOL(void);
ULONG CursEOL(void);
void GetWinPos(void);
ULONG DoReturn(void);
void SetViewervar(long var, char *text);
void SetViewervar2(long var, char *text);
Object *GetImage(char *filename);
Object *LoadImage(char *filename);
long ImageSize(Object *obj);
struct BitMap *ImageBitMap(Object *obj);
void WordWrapSaveFilter(void);
void NewViewerBar(void);
__saveds __asm struct AMIS_Requester *BuiltRequester(
register __a0 struct AMIS_ReqDef *reqdef,
register __a1 struct TagItem *tags);
void ShowRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
void CloseRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
void FreeRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
struct AMIS_Requester *AMISBuiltRequester(struct AMIS_ReqDef *req, struct TagList *tags);
void AMISShowRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
void AMISCloseRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
void AMISFreeRequester(struct AMIS_Requester *req);
void AMISCheckMessage(struct IntuiMessage *msg);
long GetYPos(void);
struct Node *AddLineNode(long size, long line, long character);
struct Node *GetLineNode(long line, long character);
void RedrawViewerWindows(struct Viewer *viewer);
struct AMIS_ReqDef {
short x;
short y;
short width;
short height;
short zoomleft;
short zoomtop;
short zoomed;
char *title;
#define AM_Screen TAG_USER
#define AM_Locale TAG_USER+1
#define AM_Gadgets TAG_USER+2
#define AM_Button TAG_USER+3
#define AM_CheckMark TAG_USER+4
#define AM_Cycle TAG_USER+5
#define AM_Listview TAG_USER+6
#define AM_Slider TAG_USER+7
#define AM_Integer TAG_USER+8
#define AM_GNumber TAG_USER+9
#define AM_String TAG_USER+10
#define AM_GText TAG_USER+11
#define AM_IText TAG_USER+12
#define AM_BackLine TAG_USER+13
#define AM_BackBox TAG_USER+14
#define AM_UserGadget TAG_USER+15
#define AM_SameWidth TAG_USER+16
#define AM_SameLeft TAG_USER+17
#define AM_Code TAG_USER+18
#define AM_MessagePort TAG_USER+19
#define AM_EscFunction TAG_USER+20
#define AM_ReturnButton TAG_USER+21
#define AM_CloseFunction TAG_USER+22
#define AM_MaxFontHeight TAG_USER+23
#define AM_UpdateNumbers TAG_USER+24
#define AM_UpdateTexts TAG_USER+25
#define AM_LocaleOffset TAG_USER+26
#define AM_Project TAG_USER+27
struct AMIS_Button {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
void (*handler)();
struct AMIS_String {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
char *buffer;
short chars;
void (*handler)();
struct AMIS_GText {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
char *text;
void (*handler)();
struct AMIS_GNumber {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
long number;
struct AMIS_Integer {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
void (*handler)(void);
short *variable;
short undo;
long digits;
short min;
short max;
struct AMIS_CheckMark {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
char *variable;
char undo;
char mask;
void (*handler)();
struct AMIS_Cycle {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
short *variable;
short undo;
short max;
char *namelist;
char *valuelist;
char *locales;
void (*handler)();
struct AMIS_Listview {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
char type;
char locale;
struct List *list;
short readonly;
short spacing;
void (*handler)();
void (*double_click)();
void (*hook)();
struct Gadget *string;
struct AMIS_Backbox {
short left;
short top;
short width;
short height;
char *name;
struct Gadget *gadget;
struct AMIS_Requester {
struct Window *ar_window;
struct Screen *ar_screen;
char ar_type;
char ar_flags;
void *ar_vinfo;
struct MsgPort *ar_msgport;
struct Gadget *ar_gadgetlist;
struct Gadget *ar_usergadgets;
struct Gadget *ar_gadgets;
struct Gadget *ar_gtexts;
struct Gadget *ar_gnumbers;
struct AMIS_ReqDef *ar_interstruct;
char *ar_AMISLib_id;
void (*ar_EscFunction)();
void (*ar_ReturnButton)();
void (*ar_CloseFunction)();
struct TextAttr *ar_font;
struct Gadget *ar_lastgadget;
long ar_reserved2;
long ar_reserved3;
struct Catalog *ar_locale;
long ar_localeoffset;
short ar_reserved4;
short ar_fontheight;
short ar_topborder;
struct Gadget *ar_patterngadget;
void *ar_patternobject;
struct Gadget *ar_backboxes;
long ar_lastnormal;
long ar_userdata;
void *ar_temptags;
short ar_left;
short ar_top;
short ar_width;
short ar_height;
short ar_zoomleft;
short ar_zoomtop;
short ar_zoomed;
char *ar_title;
short ar_groupwidth;
short ar_groupleft;
struct List ar_objectlist;
struct TagItem *ar_taglist;
struct Node ar_projectnode;
#define PALGA_Color TAG_USER
#define PALGA_Colors TAG_USER+1
#define PALGA_ColorTable TAG_USER+2
#define PALGA_Redraw TAG_USER+3
#define AM_RELWIDTH 0x8000
#define AM_RELRIGHT 0x8000
#define AM_RELLASTRIGHT 0x1000
#define AM_TEXTLENGTH 0x4000
#define AM_SHAREDWIDTH 0x2000
#define AM_SHAREDLEFT 0x2000